Private Equity & Venture Funding

If you are considering investing as a private equity lender or venture capitalist, VisionQuest Capital can represent you. Founder, Mike Hanks, has personally brokered or financed over one billion dollars in venture and asset backed real estate investment structures. Our clients see results.

Choosing between private equity investing or venture capital investing

Both private equity investors and venture capital investors can build a portfolio that help them produce great amounts of capital by investing in companies and later cashing in on those investments, but there are clear differences between private equity lenders and venture capitalist. Depending on your goals, you may want to focus your investments in one or both.

Private Equity

Private investors use both equity and debt to buy developed companies costing millions—and sometimes billions—of dollars regardless of the industry. Because such a large amount is invested in only one company where success of the entire investment is determined by success of the company, private equity investors compensate their risk by only partnering with established, low-risk companies, although occasionally they will they will invest in a higher risk company that has room for success with the implementation of operational restructuring. For those investors who want to make big investments and see large gains in short periods of time, private equity investing is the best option.

Venture Capital

Venture capitalists primarily invest equity to purchase a percentage—usually under 50%—of promising and innovative start-up or early-stage companies commonly in the tech, bio-, or clean-tech industries. Their investments are often much smaller than those of private equity investing. However, venture capitalists will make several investments with a range of companies and risk levels, expecting that at least one will provide high enough gains to make their overall investments profitable. Investors interested in diversifying their portfolio will often elect to act as venture capitalist.

But why choose? VisionQuest Capital can help you explore both private equity investing and venture capital investing and develop a portfolio that gives you the benefits of both.

The company’s network

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    Your team should have both talent and qualifications.

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    You can find this with a group that has a network of lawyers, accountants, tax attorneys and other industry experts.

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    A large network also provides both quantity and quality in terms of investment opportunity.

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    Our network consists of over 60 sub-contracts with international investment knowledge and contacts.

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    VisionQuest Capital understands that you are not just making an investment to increase your bank account balance.

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    The strategic moves you make today will impact your business, family, and personal future.

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    Furthermore, a strong investment portfolio will give you the leverage necessary to partner with leading edge companies securing greater financial stability for both them and you.

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    Whether you are interested in private investing, venture capital investing, or a combination of both, VisionQuest Capital wants to represent you.